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Inner Light Activation

November 19, 2024

The Magic of Inner Light Activation: Awakening Your Life Force

What does it mean to activate the inner light – your own life force?

Deep within every person lies a powerful, invisible source of divine nature—our life force, our inner light. This energy source is part of the innate healing wisdom we are born with and forms the central energy system of body, mind, and soul. Activating this inner light means awakening the totality of what it means to be a living, sentient being, fully realizing and utilizing one’s potential on mental, emotional, and physical levels.

At the Core of Inner Light Activation

At the heart of Inner Light Activation is the creation of a safe space where people can connect with their deepest essence—a space where masks and armor can be shed, and the truth of who they are can be embraced. In a world where authenticity and vulnerability are often seen as weaknesses, this practice offers a powerful antidote.

The special thing about the Inner Light Activation is the realization that true strength arises from the acceptance of our vulnerability. Instead of hiding our imperfections and weaknesses, we learn to embrace and accept them. This reveals a new level of courage and resilience that we might never have suspected within ourselves. This acceptance leads us to a level of awareness and insight that is both profound and liberating.

An Inner Light Activation is the moment when you connect with the deepest wisdom slumbering within you. Your body and mind pause and surrender to the natural rhythms of your soul. The transformation begins.

Procedure of an Inner Light Activation

A typical ILA session consists of 4 phases:
First phase: Dynamic breathing

This phase combines active body movements from (Kundalini) Yoga, somatic body therapy, and Trauma Release Exercises with various breathing techniques. This helps to reduce stress, increase lung volume, and strengthen the entire system. Additionally, cardiovascular performance is enhanced, and the body's flexibility is improved.

Second phase: Hypnobreathing

In this phase, hypnotic elements and breathing techniques are combined into a guided meditation that promotes relaxation, trust, and well-being. Post-hypnotic suggestions make the unconscious more receptive to positive impulses, facilitating emotional release and mental clarity. The Buteyko breathing technique, with nasal breathing and breath pauses, calms the mind, reduces stress, and increases vitality. Soothing music supports the trance-like state and prepares the body and mind optimally for the next processes.

Third phase: Lightenergy Activation

The activation of the inner light connects the physical and spiritual aspects of the human being. From a physical perspective, the interaction of light, electricity, and magnetism promotes cellular functions and energetic balance. A 60-minute specially curated music stimulates the autonomic nervous system. Neurotransmitters and hormones are released, and you are guided through various energetic states. Additionally, the activation of circadian sleep rhythms maintains a low level of latent inhibition, fostering a semi-awake, dreamlike state of consciousness.

During this phase, you will be gently touched at the energy centers (chakras) of your body to promote the flow of energy and support the process.

Spiritually, the inner light symbolizes the connection to the soul and universal consciousness. Through this activation, a state of inner harmony, enhanced intuition, and spiritual clarity can be achieved. The process not only serves physical health but also consciousness expansion and the connection to a higher energy that nourishes and strengthens the person holistically.

Forth phase: Integration

In this final phase, the body and mind have the opportunity to process and integrate the experiences. Gradually, you will be brought back to the here and now to regain your full awareness. An ILA session can leave the feeling of waking up from a deep, moving dream that you may wish to share with others afterward.

What can you experience during a session?

During an Inner Light Activation different experiences may occur:

  1. Perception of Energy: A feeling of flowing, pulsating, or streaming through the body.
  2. Visual impressions: The seeing of images, colors, or lights, visions.
  3. Emotional reactions: Emotions such as anger, frustration, sadness, or joy may arise. Allow yourself to accept and welcome them. Screaming, crying, or laughing are valuable forms of expression that are part of the process.
  4. Body movements: Your body may begin to move – trembling, shaking, stretching, or yoga poses may spontaneously occur. Allow these movements to happen without having the need to control them.
  5. Experiences of oneness: States of connection, love, and bliss may be experienced, accompanied by deep insights.

The results of an Inner Light Activation:

  • Possible awakening of Kundalini energy
  • Dissolution of mental limitations and emotional blockages
  • Expanding of consciousness
  • Realignment of the physical body
  • Revelation of deep core principles and the soul's mission
  • Remembering one’s own wholeness
  • Initiation of spiritual awakening
  • Raising of the vibrational frequency
  • Strengthening intuitive knowledge and the senses
  • Gradual liberation from ego patterns

The activation of your life force is a continuous process that does not end with the conclusion of a session. The synchronization of both hemispheres of the brain leads to a shift in consciousness, dissolving energetic blockages and reducing stored stress, trauma, and limiting behavioral patterns. While this process may sometimes feel uncomfortable, trust that the energy will guide you only as far as you are ready to go. Therefore, self-care and loving mindfulness toward yourself are of utmost importance. 


An Inner Light Activation is an invitation to embark on a profound and transformative journey that leads you back to your essence and enables you to live a life of authenticity and connection.