Inner Wisdom Academy


As a certified and accredited support member with us, you benefit from our IWA association community, where we regularly offer group sessions and exchange ideas in group chats. Through your certification, you gain access to the resources of the experienced founders and support members and receive loving support in your development.

Our goal is to ensure a high standard of quality in our work. You will receive certification as an innerdance facilitator after independently leading an innerdance session in Module 2.

By publishing your profile and services on our members page, you indicate your willingness to act responsibly as an innerdance facilitator.

An innerdance facilitator has developed and internalized the following qualities to support both their own spiritual development and that of their clients:

  • Your intentions are pure and your heart full of kindness.
  • You master the challenges of your life with a balanced mix of love, wisdom, and clear judgment.
  • You trust your deep intuition and allow it to guide you.
  • You are ready to explore and integrate new perspectives.
  • You are committed to continuously working on your inner growth, teaching from your own experiences, and preserving your inner purity.